Our progress

Our ESG strategy is focused on four priority areas: nature and circularity, climate change, sustainable value chain, and community investment. Our progress against these priority areas is reported in this section.

As previously noted within this report, we conducted a review and refresh of our Real Estate ESG strategy during the reporting period. This refresh resulted in the ‘resource efficiency and circular economy’ pillar being repositioned to ‘nature and circularity’, with a view to pivoting our related programs in this space in FY25. Our FY24 progress update on this pillar of the strategy is therefore provided under the former title of ‘resource efficiency and circular economy’, to align with the focus of our programs during the reporting period.

Nature and circularity
Nature and circularity

Nature and circularity initiatives that contribute to QIC Real Estate portfolio’s long-term and short-term ESG objectives are identified and implemented through continuous improvement programs, annual business planning and 10-year capital planning processes. Related initiatives undertaken during FY24 are presented below.

Climate change
Climate change

Climate change is an increasingly important focus for QIC. 

Community investment
Community investment

Our privilege as a real estate owner and manager is the role we play in serving our communities and delivering for our clients. We seek to play a meaningful role in our communities through our community investment programs and other asset-based initiatives.

Sustainable value chain
Sustainable value chain

QIC welcomes the increasing attention being directed towards modern slavery in global supply chains, and the opportunity to work more closely with our suppliers, and others in our value chain, to deliver better ESG outcomes together.

Sustainability 2024